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The 6 must do’s at LU

The 6 most hidden yet wondrous adventures that Laurentian has to offer. It is essential that every LU student checks these things off their bucket list prior to graduating.

#1. Visiting Laurentian Beach

Whether it be at the utmost crack of dawn or when the sun goes to sleep at twilight; the Laurentian cliffs host the most perfect spot on campus to fall victim to the sun. Its’ glistening shine shimmers across the lake. Along the beach it casts its’ first and final rays of the day. A two minute hike up the cliffs will set students up for the most perfect view to witness the beautiful occurrence of sunrise and sunset. Taking a plunge into the refreshing waters at the cliffs’ end is a fun day for students in the early months school. Unlike any other campus, being perched upon a lookout and watching the sunset with your best friends is such a unique experience. This is most definitely a must do of LU.

#2. Skating on Ramsey Lake

A quick hop, skip and jump away from

the LU campus, awaits Ramsey Lake.

Though it may only appear to be an ordinary lake,

come winter time it transforms its’ blue waters into

a frozen field of ice. Tie up your laces LU and

jump onto the lake for a few kilometers of skating.

This must do of LU encompasses views of

Science North, Bell Park and the entirety of Ramsey Lake itself. Embracing the simple joys of winter and taking advantage of being in Northern Ontario has

its perks. Grabbing some friends, trekking down to the lake and having an unforgettable day of winter fun is something every Laurentian student should experience.

#3. Flagpole Expedition

Though many students will spend their entire Laurentian careers never visiting this hidden wonder, it is an adventure that every student should check off their LU bucket list. The infamous flagpole waves high above rocky terrains on the east end of campus. Its’ hard to maneuver topography challenges its’ climbers to reach the top. The glorifying feeling of finishing the climb is rewarded with a breathtaking 360 degree view of campus. A notebook in a black plastic cylinder is hidden amongst a pile of rocks at the bottom of the flag. Thousands of names are etched into its’ pages of accomplished climbers. Little messages of wisdom and encouragement are left behind by students along with proof of their journey. A rocky descent from the cliffs’ summet is ahead but the feeling of triumph is enough to finish the hike.

#4. Sledding down UC hill

What’s the most ingenious way to slide down a slippery slope? Well cardboard or pizza pans of course! In the dead of winter, on cold icy nights, no students were stirring not even in foggy campus lights. Oh, but wait! What’s that sound? It’s the noise of LU students, running around. Heading full tilt down steep UC hill, all of the students too excited to feel the night chill. If one of the must do’s at LU is to slide, then grab your friends and ride away, ride!

#5. “Fear the Noise” Basketball home opener

The banging of pots and pans echo through the Ben Avery Gymnasium on a Friday night. Down in the locker rooms, basketball players nervously await the commencement of their game. In the stands, fans start to trickle in to bear witness to the events of the night. Cheerleaders upstairs, warm up their routines for the half time entertainment. A big yellow bucket full of pots and spoons are passed within the crowds to distract the other team. “Fear the Noise” is the slogan used. It’s quite appropriate, everyone would agree. Laurentian is well known amongst other schools as the loudest and most distracting crowd. The basketball home opener is full of big spirited crowds, live entertainment and is an annual event that most LU students yearn for.

#6. 10 km Laurentian Loop

The Laurentian information package advertises their 365 surrounding lakes and beautiful trails. On campus there is a trail (behind the gym) that leads straight to the Laurentian Beach. The Laurentian Lake Conservation Area is a 5 minute drive away from campus. It consists of sublime views and 2,400 naturey acres. In the fall, students can embark on a 10km hike down unique terrain. Set three hours aside on a Saturday morning and by lunch time triumph of completing the journey will set in. In the winter, snowshoeing and cross country ski trails are often used by students who are up for some winter fun. All in all, the trails are gorgeous and are multi purposed. They are home to wildlife and adventurous students. Outdoorsy or not, every Laurentian student must check this off their LU bucket list.

Photographs: @voyageursrec,@gillandersonnn,@st3phb3ll

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