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Brain Food

Exam season is here once again! Prepare yourself for extra added stress, the lack of free time, a spike in caffeine and sugar injections. Clean eating usually goes right out the window and is replaced with quick and easy fast food. These instantaneous substitutions aren't going to give your brain the proper fuel it needs to get you through finals. Read about the best brain powering food to get you to the finish line of the semester.


Good Morning Sunshine!


Kick off your morning with a natural dose of vitamin B enriched oats. In time of stress, the nervous system is depleted. A bowl of oatmeal will keep your grey cells going for longer, improve concentration and memory. A depletion of vitamin B can lead to irritability, low mood and even more stress! If porridge isn't your thing, try to cook up some yummy eggs! Also high with vitamin B, eggs are quick and easy to make when you're drowning in assignments. Eggs are full of amino acids, healthy fats and essential minerals. Fuel your brain all day long with making a healthy breakfast choice. Your body and brain will thank you.

Snacks on snacks!

When you've been at the library for what seems like ages, you need to keep your body and brain fuelled! Don't forget study snacks! Forgo the chips and candy though. Trade in those unhealthy sluggish foods for healthy and yummy snacks that are going to power up those brain cells! Incorporating high-protein rich foods will lead to a greater mental alertness. This is super beneficial if you're spending countless hours hitting the books. Try to eat high-protein snacks such as nuts or yogurt.

Mid day fuel up!

Pizza, sushi, burgers and fries! How about colourful salads, healthy grains and vitamin filled foods. Though greasy foods are so appealing around lunch time, they aren't going to give your brain and body to energy you need to make it through the remainder of your day. Fatty foods are going to cause immediate and longterm negative side effects. Some of these could be as irritating as gas and heartburn but can ultimately lead to high cholesterol, cardiac arrest and high blood presure. Try substituting these lethargic inhibiting foods for healthier choices. Salads can be fun! If you hate spinach, substitute with romaine and add your favourite veggies. If you aren't a fan of veggies try a summer salad with nuts and berries! Try to meal prep so instead of hitting up a pizza joint your grilled chicken, rice and veggies that you made the night before will get you through the day! Make healthy choices all day long and you'll ace all your finals!

Dinner Time!

End your day with some vitamin K. Cooked, baked or steamed, broccoli is a tremendous way to get your dietary fibre and protein. Broccoli is known to increase brainpower and overall cognitive function. Next, tomatoes are laced with the powerful antioxidant lycopene. This agent helps to protect against free radical damage to cells (which leads to the development dementia and Alzheimer's). Eat more oily fish! They contain fatty acid which cannot be produced naturally by the body. If you're vegetarian or vegan, flax, walnuts, soya beans and pumpkin seeds also contain these essential acids. Vitamin E is found in walnuts! This is proven to stop the decline of cognitive function. So many great options for dinner to end your day on a healthy note. Try incorporating some of these foods into your diet and it'll surely help to fuel your brain positively through finals!


*Note: Pairing a healthy diet with regular exercise is optimal for cognitive function. Exercise releases serotonin (happy chemical in your brain). This is proven to improve your mental health and overall mood.


Check out "The Student Guide to Getting Outside" for great tips on how to get moving this spring!

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