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Breaking Social Media’s Super Power

Four Tips to Keep in Mind on Social Media.

Our generation has fallen victim to the harsh and uncanny pressures of society. Having the most idealistic body and unattainable flawless features, face us as we venture into adulthood. Social media has blown up our world and there’s no escaping it.

The first ritual upon waking up in the morning is checking all social media accounts to catch up on the latest scandals, products, workout plans...etc. Truth be told, this is torture to our generation’s self esteem. Of course regular exercise and eating clean are essential elements in maintaining a healthy lifestyle however, it should not consume us. Students in university or college are overwhelmed by school stress; adding on social media stress is just not healthy. Models who have been photo shopped pop up on our Instagram pages daunting us followers with unrealistic body goals. There is no option but to make comparisons to our own bodies that ultimately can lead to self loathing. Gym junkies who dedicated their lives to anabolic steroids aren’t the greatest comparisons to make either. Those unrealistic drug filled muscles aren’t going to build at the same rate for someone eating right and who is not using alternative methods. On the other hand, social media has the influential force to bring positivity, motivate, instil confidence and to inspire our generation. Social media is such a powerful tool that can reach the entire world in a matter of seconds. Inspiring videos of kind and selfless acts or positive messages will keep this social evolution afloat.

It's time to do our part now so keep these 4 crucial tips in mind next time you open your Instagram, FB or Snapchat accounts.


1. Use your power for good

Your personal social media account is a direct reflection upon you. Your character, morals and values are broadcasted selectively upon your page for anyone to see. If you're apart of a sports team, council, club...etc. there is guaranteed to be a person who admires your page. Use that fellowship for good. Be sure your posts are transcribing positive messages only and will help to inspire those who look up to you. Your page is your brand essentially, so no false advertising allowed! Be authentic to your brand and share every bit of it, good and honestly. If you photoshop or crop out a part of your brand then you aren't being true to you. Be true to yourself and the message you want to convey.

Spread love

2. Posting Positive

In the crazy world of social media lives people who are sometimes led astray. People can be cruel and callous while hiding behind their profiles. Remember that positive, uplifting and encouraging comments are going to make the day of someone who is sharing a selfie. They obviously felt good enough to share their post with the world so embrace it too! Find your voice on your social media account. Find the person you want to be and don't be afraid to speak up. If other people forget about positive posting, stand up for what's right and this will inspire others to follow and hopefully remind the haters not to hate.

3. Numbers on numbers

Don't get caught up in the illusion of social media. Sure the tool is great for instantly sharing and communicating but it can also become an addiction. The number of posts, likes or comments on a photograph certainly does not determine your self worth. Remember don't get caught up in the numbers of it all! There is this underlying pressure to conform to society and to have such accounts which is fine, as long as they're not consuming your life. Being essentially obsessed with the number of followers you have is silly. In the long run there are a lot more important things in life.

4. Everybody LOVE Everybody

Everybody is BEAUTIFUL. Remain mindful of your judgements, comments, posts, captions...etc. No two people in this world are alike so our differences should be celebrated not teared apart. Our accounts are linked for a reason and there are hearts upon liking a picture for a reason too. Love should be multiplied amongst our accounts not negativity. So go on and splash inspiring captions across your page or throw glowing comments down on your friends' pictures. Our generation is not to fall victim to social media's deadly leaches but we will flourish and utilize its' powers effectively to share love and positivity only.


Be sure to Follow LU Rec's Instagram page (@lurecreation ) for all the great ways to de-stress at school, stay active and to keep healthy.

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